Regulatory frenzy and suffocating bureaucracy

Order is half the battle, as the saying goes. Organization is the whole of life, is the doctrine of current politics.

  • Regulatory frenzy
  • Overregulation
  • Minor case specifications
  • Individual justice
  • Sanction allocation

All this and much more is an active part of the bureaucracy of a united Europe. If Europe were actually united as a result, this would be a small price to pay. Only the price is paid without receiving anything in return.

This does not make Europe more united, more understanding or even more united. It is only the rules that apply in all EU states, which the countries must adhere to, that provide a similar, sometimes meaningless, legal framework. But that doesn’t make for tolerant and positive coexistence.

Each country suffers individually from the excessive bureaucratic structures that apply to all of them. This shows once again that “more of the same” does not necessarily lead to a solution to the problem, and is in fact the problem.

Structures should be made for the people and simplify and improve cooperation and be designed in a way that benefits the majority. Fundamental structural reforms are needed here, even a new beginning, so that the achievements of the modern world can be used safely and helpfully.

Individual justice is an illusion whose absence must not lead to arbitrariness, but there must be ways that are understandable, acceptable and practicable for all members of society and yet are not “just” for everyone.

The agony of the Bundestag election – or why no party is electable

Dwindling public support for democracy and our social system is often blamed on the population itself. The fact that this could also be due to the performance of the people’s representatives, the party structures and the basic structure of our current democracy is often not discussed.

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult for voters who are open to democracy to find a meaningful choice. There are various reasons for this:

  • No party has existed for a long time.
    Visions of the future, strategies and political foresight
  • Repeating like a prayer wheel that there are no alternatives leads to
    Radical loss of confidence
  • Marginal differences between the party programs lead to the
    Arbitrariness and interchangeability
  • Lack of performance targets and sanctions in the political process
    implementation make a mockery of the current democratic system

It makes little sense to choose something that does not promise a solution.

Having to elect representatives who constantly develop sanctions for the population, but who themselves operate in a sanction-free space, erodes basic trust in the current political system. As a politician of any party stature, only ever making demands of civil society without ever delivering will not lead to anything good in the long term.

A future-proof reform of our entire social structure
including the current political establishment, equipped for the 21st century.
This is becoming increasingly important and urgent.